The search continues...

Advert #2

12th January 2017 Paul Chris Jones

In this post, I'll be discussing the second advert in the series. If you want to watch the advert first (and why wouldn't you? It's really good), here it is:

The opening scene of the advert is rather good:

the city walls

Those trees? Look closer - they’re actually TOWERS. Spiky, thorny towers. And that blue light at the bottom of the image? That’s the Professor. He’s a hologram. This advert is already awesome.


Kit says, “The Professor said to keep walking until I’d finished a Rowntree’s fruit gum".

I’m not a professor but that doesn’t seem like an accurate way to measure distance. The teachers at school never told me to measure distances by the rate I ate Rowntrees fruit gums.

By the way, I like that the Professor’s head is way bigger than the kid’s entire body. The Professor is a harmless giant, a blue ghost, the ethereal man. If this were a video game, he’d also be the annoying character than constantly stops you to explain game mechanics.

The kid stares up at the city gate, terrified. I’d be terrified too. Look at the background behind him. It’s like Dali’s The Persistence of Memory, or Munch’s The Scream. Well, not really, but that’s as far as my knowledge of art goes.

kit staring up at city entrance raven

It’s that three-eyed raven from Game of Thrones! Except it has two eyes.

Here’s a view of the city from below.

looking up at city from below

Look how gothic and scary it is! All the towers end in sharp points. And why is the city deserted? Where is everyone? This is cool.

kid walking through street

The city is deserted, yet the street lamps are on. So if the city still has power, then where are the people? Where are the people? Maybe they're all at home, reading this blog post, just like you are.

Wait. I just realised that the kid’s fleece is red, just like the strawberry of the mythical Rowntree. Could this a clue? Perhaps Kit is the Rowntree? Someone make a note of that.

Also, I just realised I forgot to drink the tea I made an hour ago and now it’s gone cold. That’s got nothing to do with this advert but I thought I would mention it anyway.

Two pairs of eyes glow in the dark. Are these the inhabitants of the city? Or are they monsters?


There's no indication of what these glowing-eyed creatures are, and we never find out either. There's nothing even in the magazine adverts about them. All we see are those creepy glowing eyes. Just another one of the unsolved mysteries about the search for the Rowntree, I guess.

Kit says, “I walked until my feet ached, not quite shaking off the feeling that I was being watched." Of course you’re being watched. The viewers are watching you. Duh.

Also those two scary monsters from a few seconds earlier are watching you too. No pressure, Kit, but if you don't hurry you they're going to rip your little body to shreds.

It’s the raven from earlier! The raven flies through an open door.

raven flying through doorway rowntree symbol on door

The Rowntree has been etched into the door! That's pretty cool. Kit must be on the right track.

This kid has a history of trespassing. In the first advert he trespassed into the Professor’s treehouse, and now he’s trespassing again, into the Sorcerer’s castle.

Just read that again for a moment. The Sorcerer’s castle. Brrr. This advert is awesome.

kid in sorcerer’s room

Suddenly, fire!


Check out Kit’s face:

kid amazed

This kid cannot act. Let’s hope he never stars in a Hollywood movie.

Oh shit, it’s a demon! Go for the eyes, Boo!

sorcerer eyes

By the way, a year ago, I tried to describe this scene from memory alone. I hadn’t seen the advert for fifteen years. This is what I wrote:

There was a raven with different coloured eyes. Then a dark-haired man... who also has different coloured eyes! So THE MAN IS THE RAVEN OMG!!

It’s amusing that I was wrong about the 'different coloured eyes'. Just goes to show how unreliable memory can be.

This next part looks like a scene from Harry Potter. Harry, meet Snape. Wingardium cuntiosa!

kid and sorcerer

"The Sorcerer spoke of a tree with five fruits that lay across the water. My search for the Rowntree must continue by boat."


The Sorcerer is pointing in the direction of the Rowntree, so he obviously knows where it is. So it’s not a mystery after all. He probably drives to the Rowntree every week to do his grocery shopping.

Also, why not give the kid a map and a compass instead of just pointing? And what about some supplies? After all, the kid only has a satchel of Rowntree’s Fruit Gums from the treehouse. If that’s all he has to eat, then he’ll get diarrhoea and probably die.

Finally, check out the dragon-shaped clouds duelling each other in the sky.

final screen

It’s little details like that that make me appreciate the adverts even more. Also, I might be wasting my life.

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Paul Chris Jones is a writer and dad living in Girona, Spain. You can follow Paul on Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.